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The benefits of probiotic dog supplements for dogs with a sensitive stomach

Probiotic dog supplements are becoming increasingly popular to improve the intestinal health of dogs (also because it is sometimes said that antibiotics are given too quickly, which is not necessary in all cases). But did you know that probiotic dog supplements also offer specific benefits for dogs with sensitive stomachs?

In this blog we discuss the benefits of probiotic dog supplements for dogs with a sensitive stomach and why giving them can be a good option for your four-legged friend.

How do probiotics work for dogs?

Probiotic dog supplements contain live bacteria and yeast that naturally occur in your dog's intestines. These "good" bacteria help keep your dog's intestinal flora in balance and support digestion. When your dog receives a probiotic dog supplement, you add more of these good bacteria to their intestines, restoring balance to their intestinal flora.

Probiotic dog supplements for dogs with a sensitive stomach?

Dogs with a sensitive stomach often have difficulty digesting food. This can lead to diarrhea, vomiting and bloating. Probiotic dog supplements can help relieve the symptoms of a sensitive stomach by supporting intestinal health.

By giving probiotics to dogs with a sensitive stomach, digestion is supported and the balance of the intestinal flora can be restored. This can strengthen the intestinal wall and improve the absorption of nutrients. This can help reduce food sensitivities and intolerances and relieve the symptoms of a sensitive stomach.

Additionally, giving dogs probiotic supplements can also help reduce inflammation in the intestines. This can help reduce the symptoms of a sensitive stomach and contribute to your dog's overall health.

Why probiotic supplements are a good option for dogs with a sensitive stomach?

If your dog has a sensitive stomach, giving a probiotic dog supplement can help reduce symptoms and support digestion. Additionally, providing probiotic dog supplements can help improve your dog's overall health, such as a better immune system and healthier skin and coat.

How do you choose the right probiotic dog supplement?

There are many different types of probiotic dog supplements on the market, so choosing the right supplement for your dog can be difficult. It is important to look for a probiotic dog supplement that is specifically designed for dogs and that contains a high number of probiotic units (CFUs). CFUs indicate how many live bacteria are in the supplement and how effective the supplement will be (for DogSuppy Forte this is more than 3 million CFUs).

In addition, it is important to look for a probiotic dog supplement that contains a variety of bacterial strains. Each strain of bacteria has a different function in your dog's body and using different strains can help improve overall gut health. Be sure to view the information page to find all ingredients and highlighted ingredients .

Finally, it is important to look for a probiotic dog supplement that is produced to high quality standards. Choose a supplement that is produced by a reputable company that is transparent about the quality of their products and has undergone independent testing to ensure efficacy and safety. We therefore consciously produce our products in Belgium and the Netherlands and never in Eastern Europe or Asia.


Probiotic dog supplements can be an effective way to support your dog's gut health, especially if your dog suffers from a sensitive stomach. Providing a probiotic dog supplement can help reduce the symptoms of a sensitive stomach and improve your dog's overall health.

If you are considering giving your dog a probiotic dog supplement, it is important to choose a high-quality supplement that is specifically designed for dogs and produced to high quality standards. This way you can be sure that you are giving your dog a safe and effective supplement that can contribute to a healthier and happier life.

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