1. Introduction

DogSuppy believes it is important to clearly inform you about what happens to the personal data we collect. In this privacy statement you can check what we do to protect your privacy, how you have a say in the processing of your personal data and what checks are carried out on compliance with this privacy statement.

2. Collection, use, management, transfer and security

This privacy statement applies to the collection, use and management of your personal data by DogSuppy.

Collection of personal data

DogSuppy collects personal data via various channels, including by post, telephone, website, social media, e-mail traffic, cookies, click-through data and navigation data.

We collect various personal data, including:

  • Name
  • Addresses
  • Email addresses
  • Telephone numbers and/or mobile phone numbers
  • Data from contracts, orders and purchases
  • Data from contact forms
  • Professional data such as VAT and KBO numbers, coordinates of contact persons of legal entities and the partners/partners of a company. With regard to professional data, data is also kept provided via external channels such as address managers.
  • Data from surveys and commercial actions
  • Website, cookies and e-mail traffic

DogSuppy also collects personal data as a result of visiting our website and if you click through on an e-mail. This is done via cookies and similar technologies, through which we try to improve the quality and functionality of our website.

The use of cookies can be disabled at any time via the settings of your web browser, this may lead to a malfunctioning of our website.

You will only receive electronic direct marketing communications if you have given explicit permission for this, you can unsubscribe from these communications at any time and completely free of charge.

If you wish to respond to the content of our website or have comments about our e-mail policy, you can do so via support@dogsuppy.co.uk.

Use of personal data

The personal data provided are used for the purpose of concluding contracts with DogSuppy, so we try to conclude agreements correctly.

The collected personal data are also used in the context of improving our website or to contact you for direct marketing purposes.

DogSuppy may use personal data provided for new purposes that are not yet provided for in our current privacy policy. If this is the case, we will contact you before using the data for these new purposes. We will inform you of the changes and offer you the opportunity to give your consent.

Management of the data

All personal data are managed by DogSuppy. In view of the rights that you have as a data subject, we keep a register in which everything concerning the data collection is organised and documented.

Within our company, the personal data are only accessible to the responsible persons who must have access to them in the function of their tasks.

Retention period of personal data

We store all personal data provided for as long as necessary to provide our services, to fulfil our agreements or for as long as necessary to comply with legal obligations. In any case, we do not store personal data for longer than necessary.

Transfer to third parties

Under no circumstances will personal data be transferred, sold or rented to third parties or companies. DogSuppy considers the data provided to be confidential information at all times.

We can only use an external processor to process personal data. If this happens, we strictly monitor the confidential and secure handling of your personal data. Our usual confidentiality and security standards are always contractually laid down with regard to these processors.

A processor may never use your personal data on its own initiative, and your personal data must be deleted as soon as the processor has completed its assignment.

Security of personal data

To prevent personal data that we receive from being lost, used unlawfully or changed, we have implemented the necessary security measures.

We always use a secure server when receiving or transferring critical information, such as bank details.

Procedure in the event of a data breach

If DogSuppy becomes aware of a breach in connection with personal data and this breach poses a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the Commission for the Protection of Privacy will be informed without undue delay and at the latest within 72 hours.

If the breach is likely to pose a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, DogSuppy will inform the data subject(s) without delay, subject to the statutory exceptions.

3. Rights as a data subject

As a data subject, you have a number of rights with regard to the personal data you provide. You can use the rights below at any time and completely free of charge.

Access to information

Upon request, we grant people access to all information we keep about them. If you want access to your personal data, please contact support@dogsuppy.co.uk

Other rights

You also have the following rights:

  • Right to be forgotten
  • Right to restrict processing
  • Right to object to processing
  • Right to data transfer
  • Right to object to profiling and automatic processing.

If you wish to exercise the above rights, you can contact DogSuppy.

4. Complaints

If you believe that DogSuppy's handling of personal data is not in accordance with this privacy statement or applicable legislation, you can contact DogSuppy at any time.

5. Contact information

If you wish to contact us or make comments, you can do so officially via e-mail: support@dogsuppy.co.uk