Keeshond Ragnar merken al een groot verschil, hij krabt geeuwt en schud zich veel minder af dan in het begin.
DogSuppy Blog - Find out all about Probiotics for Dogs

Keeshond Ragnar already notices a big difference, he scratches, yawns and shakes himself off much less than in the beginning.

We received this response from our satisfied customer 😊

Hello Sharon!

Ragnar is doing very well on his probiotics.
We already notice a big difference, he scratches, yawns and shakes himself off much less than in the beginning.
He loves it, I just have to get the box out of the cupboard, he already knows what he will get.
He is a Keeshond and he was born on 21/12/2022.
Unfortunately I don't have WhatsApp so I will post some photos here.
Thank you for your sweet email!
Many greetings

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