Kieskeurige Bearded Collie Sam eet de snoepjes met smaak op
DogSuppy Blog - Find out all about Probiotics for Dogs

Picky Bearded Collie Sam eats the sweets with relish

We received this response from our satisfied customer 😊
Good morning Sharon,
Our dog Sam, who is almost 14 years old (August 1), had to be operated on in mid-March due to a uterine infection and the antibiotics completely destroyed the intestinal flora. Eating made her feel nauseous so she stopped eating and when she ate the stool was very thin and slimy, making her unfit.
We were very worried about her, this dog was born in my hands and our bond is very deep. I wasn't ready to lose her and thankfully neither was she.
With a lot of patience and expensive probiotic paste we were able to get her to eat again, but giving her that probiotic spray paste in her mouth gave her so much stress and the complaints immediately returned when we stopped eating.
Your product seemed too good to be true so to be honest, when I ordered it I was skeptical and besides, we have the most picky Bearded Collie ever when it comes to food.
But she eats the sweets with gusto, we no longer use the expensive medication and her stool has not been as good as it is now in months.
I have just ordered 4 more jars because it takes quite a while for the intestinal flora to regain and remain in natural balance.
But we have a happy dog ​​hopping next to us again and we are very grateful for that with this beautiful product!
Yours sincerely,
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