Niet meer likken voor witte Shiba Inu Mickey
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No more licking for white Shiba Inu Mickey

We received this response from our satisfied customer 😊


So far things are going well. My dog ​​can't get enough of the supply. I give him 1 every day.
He is a white Shiba Inu who has a lot of allergies and nutritional problems (some days he doesn't eat anything and when he eats something there are always symptoms). He scratched, licked his paws, rubbed against everything,... I noticed after about 5 days that there was already a difference. He no longer licks his paws and doesn't always rub against everything. This is my preliminary update.
My dog ​​recently had a birthday, he turned 1 year old.
He was born on June 2, 2022. His name is Mickey.
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