Shih-tzu/Maltese kruising Cujo is een stuk rustiger en hun vacht glanst een beetje beter.
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Shih-tzu/Maltese cross Cujo is a lot calmer and their coat shines a little better.

We received this response from our satisfied customer 😊
Hi Sharon
My dog's name is Cujo and he turned 12 years old on April 10, 2023.
It is a cross (shi-tzu & Maltese)
I saw your video with exactly the same symptoms as Cujo's
He likes the sweets, but Cujo likes everything!! 😊
I make it small for him otherwise it will be a bit difficult for him to get rid of it and after a week he has become a lot calmer.
I will also send you a photo of Cujo via WhatsApp
Thanks for your e-mail
Yours sincerely
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