Een hond met huidschilfers: wanneer is het teveel?
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A dog with dander: when is it too much?

Dander in dogs is a common problem, and in most cases there is no need to panic. But when the flaking becomes too intense or is accompanied by other symptoms, there is an underlying problem. In this blog we discuss when your dog's dander becomes too much and what you can do about it.

What are dander?

Dander is small, dry pieces of skin that flake off the surface of the skin. They can look like white flakes or small granules and are often visible on your dog's coat or on surfaces where your dog spends a lot of time, such as his bed or favorite resting place.

Normal skin flakes

With normal dander, small amounts of flakes can be seen on the dog's skin and coat. These flakes are usually not extreme and do not cause itching, irritation, redness or hair loss. A dog with normal dander generally has healthy and comfortable skin.

Excessive dander

If there are too many flakes and your dog is itching or other problems, this could be a sign of excessive dander. This happens if:

  • There are many flakes that are constantly visible in your dog's coat.
  • Your dog scratches, licks or bites the skin a lot due to itching and irritation.
  • Your dog's skin is red, thick or swollen.
  • Your dog loses hair in the places where it itches.
  • Sores appear on the skin due to scratching or licking.
dander in dogs

Causes of excessive dander

There are several causes of excessive dander in dogs, including:

1. Dry skin

This is a common cause of excessive dander in dogs. Your dog's skin becomes dry for several reasons:

  • Deficiency of important fatty acids : important fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6, are important for healthy skin and coat. If your dog doesn't get enough of these fatty acids, his skin can become dry and flaky. With our OMEGA 3-6-9 supplement you ensure healthy skin and a shiny coat.
  • Environmental factors : Cold, dry air can dry out the skin. This is especially a problem in winter, when humidity is low.
  • Heating : Indoor heating can also dry the air, which can lead to dry skin in dogs.
  • Washing : Washing too often can strip the skin's natural oils, causing it to become dry and flaky.
Causes of dander in dogs

2. Allergies

Dogs can be allergic to several things, including:

  • Pollen : Pollen from grasses, trees and flowers can cause allergic reactions, including skin irritation and flaking.
  • Dust mites : Dust mites are small insects that live in dust. Dogs that are allergic to dust mites may experience itching, irritation and flaking of the skin.
  • Food : Some dogs are allergic to certain foods, such as grains, beef, or chicken. Food allergies can cause a variety of symptoms, including skin irritation, itching and flaking.
  • Flea Bites : Flea bites can cause itching and irritation, which may lead to scratching and licking. This can then lead to flaking of the skin.

3. Hormonal problems

Hormonal problems can also cause various skin problems in dogs.

  • Hypothyroidism : This is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too few hormones. Hypothyroidism can lead to hair loss, dry skin and flaking.
  • Hyperthyroidism : This is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too many hormones. Hyperthyroidism can lead to hair loss, weight loss and itching.
  • Cushing's syndrome : This is a condition in which the body produces too much cortisol. Cushing's syndrome can lead to hair loss, thin skin, pigmentation changes and flaking.
Hormonal problems in dogs

4. Parasites

Parasites, such as fleas, mites and lice, can cause skin irritation and flaking.

  • Fleas : Flea bites can cause itching and irritation, which may lead to scratching and licking. This can then lead to flaking of the skin.
  • Mites : There are several types of mites that can appear in dogs, including mange mites, ear mites and demodex mites. Mites can cause skin irritation, itching and flaking.
  • Lice : Lice are small insects that live on the skin of dogs. They can cause itching and irritation, which can lead to scratching and licking. This can then lead to flaking of the skin.

5. Infections

Bacterial and fungal infections of the skin can lead to flaking.

  • Bacterial infections : Bacterial infections of the skin can be caused by different types of bacteria. These infections can lead to redness, swelling, itching and flaking of the skin.
  • Fungal infections : Fungal infections of the skin, also called ringworm, can lead to hair loss, redness, itching and flaking of the skin.
Infections in dogs cause dander

Tips against flaking skin in your dog

Below you will find a number of tips against flaking skin in your dog.

Give your dog a healthy and varied diet:

A healthy diet is important for your dog's overall health, including the health of his skin. Make sure your dog gets a diet rich in essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6. These fatty acids help keep the skin healthy and hydrated.

Get enough exercise:

Exercise helps improve circulation, which can provide your dog's skin with essential nutrients and oxygen. This can help reduce skin flaking.

Avoid stress

Stress can worsen several skin problems, including flaking skin. Try to avoid stressful situations for your dog, or offer him ways to cope with stress, such as chew toys or calming music.

Avoid stress with your dog

Use special shampoo and conditioner

Preferably choose special shampoo and conditioner for dogs with sensitive skin. These products are gentle on the skin and can help reduce skin irritation and flaking.

Brush your dog regularly

Brushing your dog regularly is not only good for his coat, but it also helps to remove dead skin cells that would otherwise remain on his skin. This can keep his skin healthy and prevent dander from building up and causing problems.

Give your dog probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that improve your dog's intestinal health. A healthy intestinal tract contributes to healthier skin. By adding probiotics to your dog's diet, you'll help balance his gut and support his overall health, including his skin. This can result in fewer skin problems and less dander. Also discover our OMEGA 3-6-9 supplement for healthy skin and a shiny coat.

Probiotics for dog

Probiotics against dander at DogSuppy

Our Anti-Itch Spray provides instant relief for itchy and irritated skin. It soothes the skin with organic Aloe vera, clove oil and probiotics, while also fighting harmful bacteria and keeping the skin flora in balance.

For dogs that suffer from dander, our Anti-Itch treats offer a natural solution. Based on our Probiotics Forte formula, they contain quercetin for inflammation reduction and medicinal herbs. With more than 3 billion probiotics each, they contribute to your dog's health and help support his skin and reduce flakes.
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